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Mrs. Hazeltine
Throughout the school year we strive to reinforce our school-wide Positive Astro expectations. These expectations provide the building blocks for a learning environment that supports positive behaviors. Please see Neil Armstrong's Positive Astro expectations in the Title One compact located in the student’s planner, on our school’s website, and the school’s Facebook Account. Please review these expectations with your student and sign that compact.
Please keep in mind that we start welcoming students on campus at 8 am. Please do not release your student from cars before this time. The cafeteria opens for breakfast at 8 am and students can head to classrooms starting at 8:15 am. Students should be in their seats ready to learn by 8:40 am. Please do not drop students off outside our fenced area. This slows down traffic and is unsafe. Please do not cut in line. We should be leading by example, being kind to others, and following all school procedures. Finally, do not forget that students are to wear the lanyards with ID badges EVERY DAY! Students should put these lanyards in their backpacks each afternoon and back around their necks each morning. Students will not be allowed on the bus without an ID badge. The same is for parent drop-off at school. We will require parents to bring the badges to school if forgotten. Please keep in mind this is a state law and cannot be changed at the school level.
During dismissal, the PPU card (parent pickup card) should be displayed on your rear-view mirror until your student gets in the car, when your child is in the car, please remove it. This signals to us that your car is all set! As you move through the line, please pull close to the car in front of you and pay attention to your surroundings. Please do not cut in line at side roads. Please do not be on your cell phone as this is a huge distraction. The whole line will move as one. This means you shouldn’t pull out of the line to pass someone else, even if you have your student. This is to ensure that all students loading into cars are safe before traffic moves. We will continue to do our best to get students home in a safe and orderly manner. Please remember that the bus ramp PPU is for designated students. This line will start moving after the buses have left. This sometimes delays the start of the line. Again, please be patient. Students that are walkers have two locations to be released. Please know which side your walker is released on and the correct location for pickup. Kindergarten and first-grade students will need a guardian present with a walker tag. If no guardian or no walker tag is present at the correct location, the student will be escorted back to the office and the guardian will be expected to show ID to pick up a child. We will not dismiss any walker to parked cars. If you want to pick up your child by car- please go through PPU. On rainy day dismissal, ALL walkers and bikers will go to the cafeteria and be dismissed through the front parent pick-up line. Please make sure you have a rainy-day dismissal card! If not, you’ll be asked to go inside to pick up that card and your child. Thank you for following all of these procedures for the safety of our Positive Astros.
Please make sure you register and complete your child’s emergency forms on Focus. Your child’s emergency card is vital for us to be able to get ahold of you during the school day. We want to make sure all the information is accurate. If you need help with this process, please call the office and ask for Ms. Franchesca. Thank you to those parents that have already completed this process. We are just under 60% of families with Focus Portal accounts and we’d love to get to 100%!!! We so appreciate the effort from our parents.
Please make sure you have signed up on Remind with your child’s teacher. This is so important for the communication of our school. Also, follow us on Facebook. We use social media to update our families and to give a lot of important information about resources, current happenings, and upcoming events. Finally, make sure you bookmark our school’s website. This is the hub of information for our school.
Speaking of school information, have you signed up for SAC or PTO? Be on the lookout for flyers to join these amazing parent organizations for the betterment of our school!
Thank you to all of our families for continuing to help make Neil Armstrong a great place. Your support, patience, and assistance are so positively vital.
Leading by Example,
Mrs. Welsh
Positive Astros Families,
Happy New Year and Happy January! Please take a moment to check out this month's newsletter to see all that is happening here at NAE! Check it out at this link!
Mrs. Welsh
Mrs. Morazes
School Social Worker
Mission: It is my mission to work collaboratively with our families, school staff and community to enhance the student achievement in a safe and caring environment. As a social worker I will help develop the emotional growth and character of our students.
Lisa Morazes, MSW, LCSWNeil Armstrong Elementary
941-255-7450 ext. 4212
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Homeless High School Advocate
Mrs. Sterbutzel
School Counselor
Mission: To provide students and families with support, care, and compassion while helping the students have an exemplary educational experience which includes developing character and competence in every student through academic growth and development, career exploration, and personal/social development.
Mrs. Welchman
ESE Liaison
Mission: I will create a safe and caring environment where students are not afraid to take risks and step out of their comfort zone. I will be understanding of my students different abilities and will challenge them to be the best learner they can be. I will strive to develop a love of reading in all of my students while encouraging them to try different genres. I will make a difference by communicating with my students families in a timely manner. I will make learning fun while developing productive and competent students with great character.
Mrs. Finch
Lead Teacher
Mission: To help create and support an environment where children learn and strive to meet their individual and highest potential. I will utilize my knowledge and resources to support teachers so that they may exhibit effective teaching strategies to promote student success. I will lead by example in both character and competence as I work to build positive relationships within our school community.