Dear Positive Astro Families:
Welcome to Neil Armstrong Elementary School! Parent involvement is essential to academic success for all students. The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a great way for you to become involved in our school! Our PTO is part of the national Parent Teacher Organization that strives to enhance children’s educational experiences.
Every year we have a membership drive. Becoming a member does not mean you automatically sign up to volunteer, it just means you support our group and believe in what we are doing here at Neil Armstrong.
PTO Programs & Fundraising
Our primary objective as a PTO is to provide our schools with funds, programs, resources, and services that will enrich and maximize the education of every child. To meet this important objective, and afford services that are no longer covered by our school budgets, we must fund-raise. Though it may not be our favorite responsibility, it is a necessary one. Our school community must raise money if we want to help provide our children with a well-rounded education.
In Conclusion
We are about parents and families working together toward a common goal. That goal, simply stated, is creating a better school and a better educational experience for our children. We strive to create an atmosphere where teachers, administrators, and support staff can do their best work – and so can our children. We want to support the school’s mission statement of leading by example to developing competence and character in every student.