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Neil Armstrong Elementary

Home of the Positive Astros!


Welcome to

Neil Armstrong Elementary School!

We invite you to explore the wide variety of programs we offer designed to support our students, familes,  and staff.

Launching Leaders at NAE

Neil Armstrong Elementary School is a nationally recognized Leader in Me Legacy School. We are privileged to offer our students learning opportunities that will best prepare them for the future as leaders in the next generation.

NAE Uniform Policy


NAE Newsletter February 2025

NAE Newsletter February 2025

Hockey Night February 8, 2025                                             NAE Uniform Policy


Hockey NightUniform Policy

Uniform Policy

Hockey Night

Neil Armstrong Elementary School


Meet our Principal

"Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year here at Neil Armstrong Elementary (NAE), Home of the Positive Astros! This year we are focusing on Building Leaders with Grit and Glue! This means we are practicing the 7 Habits of Happy Kids to develop students who have strong character skills and high academic achievement." -Mrs. Hazeltine, NAE Principal


Meet our Assistant Principal

"Our Mission Statement here is “Neil Armstrong Elementary will lead by example to develop character and competence in every student.” This takes a lot of Grit. Having Grit means that we must have perseverance to push through any challenge or obstacle for achievement regardless of outside circumstances or situations. Then, we must make it all stick with Glue. Sticking with Glue means having a passion to push through barriers, determination to keep at the challenge, a growth mindset, and a positive attitude to make connections that will make all things work together. We are excited to be Building Leaders with Grit and Glue!" -Mrs. Welsh, NAE Assistant Principal


Meet our School Social Worker

"It is my mission to work collaboratively with our families, school staff and community to enhance the student achievement in a safe and caring environment. As a social worker I will help develop the emotional growth and character of our students." -Mrs. Morazes, School Social Worker


Meet our School Counselor

"It is my ongoing mission to provide students and families with support, care, and compassion while helping the students have an exemplary educational experience which includes developing character and competence in every student through academic growth and development, career exploration, and personal/social development." --Mrs. Sterbutzel, School Counselor

Learn More

Meet our ESE Liaison

"I will create a safe and caring environment where students are not afraid to take risks and step out of their comfort zone. I will be understanding of my students different abilities and will challenge them to be the best learner they can be. I will strive to develop a love of reading in all of my students while encouraging them to try different genres. I will make a difference by communicating with my students families in a timely manner. I will make learning fun while developing productive and competent students with great character." -Mrs. Welchman, ESE Liaison


Meet our Lead Teacher

"It is my mission to help create and support an environment where children learn and strive to meet their individual and highest potential. I will utilize my knowledge and resources to support teachers so that they may exhibit effective teaching strategies to promote student success. I will lead by example in both character and competence as I work to build positive relationships within our school community." -Mrs. Finch, Lead Teacher


NAE Core Team




NAE Kindergarten


NAE First Grade


NAE Second Grade


NAE Third Grade


NAE Fourth Grade


NAE Fifth Grade


NAE Special Areas


NAE Custodial Team

We are proud of our custodial team and appreciate how they keep our school sparkling clean!

Upcoming Events

View the full calendar to see all the exciting events we have happening in the next few weeks and months!


NAE Spring Chorus Songs